What are my options for IP valuation?

Inngot has two options for you:

Sollomon online IP valuation

Our online platform will provide you with a valuation of your IP quickly and affordably with the Sollomon valuation tool. It's suitable for:

    • Those who have accounts available (including projections), and;
    • Are already generating revenue, or will be within the next two years.

The platform us driven by the user, so although our Customer Support and Moderation teams are available to provide guidance and review your inputs to ensure accuracy and completion, you will do the majority of the work.

With this option your valuation could be ready in a few days, depending on how available you are to engage with the process, and will only cost £795 + VAT.

Read more about Sollomon here.

Bespoke IP valuation

Our Services team can help you with an IP valuation if you are very early stage, don't have accounts available, or have a complicated situation that requires a tailored approach. They will do all of the work for you, conducting extensive research and putting together a comprehensive, bespoke report. Consequently, these projects can take several weeks to complete and cost anything from £6000 +, depending on a variety of factors.

Read more about IP valuation here.

Talk to the Support team if you have any more questions.

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